Monday, March 24, 2008

March Madness

Sorry friends that my blog never has pictures and such but I am just not that cool I guess. Anyway it was spring break last week and it was awesome. I got to come into work late and leave early and watch movies all day. and I was wondering to my self how could I possibly not like this job? Well Monday morning rolls around and the students are back and now I remember why I hate it so much. Cause of them! They are stupid, mean, and cranky! and I just can't take it! but it pays for a car that my sister drives and pays for weightloss plans that don't work, so I guess I shouldn't complain but then I would have nothing to live for! So March has been pretty uneventful except I am trying to plan a trip to Disney world with three of my friends and nothing seems to go as planned and so far I am not sure if I am going or not and its in May! Believe me I want to go so badly but it seems (as usual) the universe is against me and doesn't want me to be happy. ever. so who knows if I will ever get to go. Probably not. so right now i am not really counting on it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dan In Real Life

so yesterday I went to my friend Megan's house to see a movie my friends have been talking about for month! They talked about it all the time and made me watch parts of it off of youtube. I really couldn't wait it watch it. so finally it came out on DVD yesterday and my friends said I had to come watch it with them cause my life would never be the same! ok I didn't really believe my life would change but it was nice to think about it. anyway so let me tell you a little about Dan In Real Life. the leading man Dan is played by my favorite guy Steve Correll, He is a widower with three daughters and he writes for the newpaper. and he goes to visit his family when he falls for his brothers girl friend.

Well to be honest (and sorry Minds) but it wasn't as funny as my friends had said it would be. oh there was funny stuff in it believe me there is a part where the brothers make but an awesome song about Dan's blind date. but you're not laughing the whole time. the story is really touching and for a guy who plays a goof in almost everything he does really can tug at the heart strings with his acting. I (althought I hate to admit it) was crying near the end. It really is a good wholesome movie that you could really have fun watching with the whole family there.

the one thing I did hate about the movie was his stupid daughters. the little girl lilly was cute but the teenage girls I thought were way to hard on their dad and need to be slapped around a bit. but thats just me.

so if you have an evening when there is nothing on the TV. you should watch this cute movie!
(sorry this is a post that for some reason never got posted)